An October World.

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” –  LM Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables. Summer is not only a season down here, it’s basically half the year. 80 percent of our closet is tank tops and shorts. We double up on deodorant. And our power bills cost as much as…

25 Little Lovelies.

Tomorrow is my birthday! I love birthdays. I love reflecting at how my life has grown and changed over the previous year. I used to love getting doberge cake (look it up), chocolate of course. And I loved being around people I love. This year is a milestone. I’m a quarter of a century! I…

Stop, just stop.

Sometimes, as Christians, we say some pretty weird things. I believe in the power of words. Words have meaning, and we need to portray our meanings correctly and effectively. Below are some phrases that I’ve heard in the past that have either caused confusion, or are just totally incorrect. You’ve probably heard some of these…

6 Podcasts for the stressed out woman.

If you’ve been around me for .5 seconds, you know how much I love a good podcast. I had listened to some before on occasion, but they weren’t a huge part of my life. Four months ago, though, I was pretty overwhelmed with life. My counselor suggested I listen to a certain podcast on self-care….

Grace on Paper Plates.

Remember that song, Come Just as You Are? If you grew up in church, chances are you heard it sung every invitation. I used to love singing that song, picturing myself walking up to Jesus in a dirty flannel shirt and ripped jeans. My hair’s a mess, and I’ve got bruises on the inside and…

Diary of a Chronic Quitter.

Hi. My name is Dakota, and I am a quitter. It all started when I was in high school. I had been playing basketball since I was in fourth grade. When I started my junior year, it looked like I wouldn’t be on Varsity. So, I quit. When I was a sophomore in college, a…

Is It Really Well With My Soul?

When peace like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well, with my soul If you ask many Christians, especially a Southern Baptist, they’ll tell you this is their favorite worship song. If you don’t know the…

Little Beautiful Life.

I’ve been reading a lot of posts by one of my favorite bloggers and podcasters, Tsh Oxenreider. She has a great website with wonderful resources for aspiring bloggers/communicators. And her first challenge is to journal about what we find beautiful. And instead of physically writing it, I figured I’d blog it! I’d love to see…

Excitement in Silence.

Do you hear that? The sweet sounds of silence.  I love these mornings where I’m the only one awake. I’m sitting on the couch looking out the window, drinking coffee of course. I have a busy day before me filled with kids, family, fireworks, and before we do all that think I’ll have to weed…

Making Room For Me.

Silence. That’s not me. That’s not the ENFJ that is Dakota Ashlyn Rice, formerly Torres. But that’s what I’ve been for over 2 months. Silent. And I am so sorry. I say sorry, not to think that y’all live and breathe every day to see if I make another blog post. Because I’m not naive…